Friday, August 03, 2007

Shark Attack?
I love Gilbert Arenas. He's one of the few basketball players who I like to root for thats not wearing a Spurs jersey. In every interview he has a positive attitude and seems down to earth. Recently he's been getting a lot of press due to his personal blog. The other day he wrote one of my favorite bits Ive read in awhile. I think its appropriate especially since its shark week on Discovery. Heres a snippet from his
There Are No Such Thing as Shark Attacks
I know this is random, but I just want to clear this up for people out there.
There are these things called shark attacks, but there is no such thing as a shark attack. I have never seen a real shark attack.
I know you’re making a weird face as you’re reading this. OK people, a shark attack is not what we see on TV and what people portray it as.
We’re humans. We live on land.
Sharks live in water.
So if you’re swimming in the water and a shark bites you, that’s called trespassing. That is called trespassing. That is not a shark attack.
A shark attack is if you’re chilling at home, sitting on your couch, and a shark comes in and bites you; now that’s a shark attack. Now, if you’re chilling in the water, that is called invasion of space. So I have never heard of a shark attack.
When I see on the news where it’s like, “There have been 10 shark attacks,” I’m like, “Hey, for real?! They’re just running around? Sharks are walking now, huh! We live on the land, we don’t live underwater.”

Thats some good stuff. Apparently he stole the bit from one of the kings of comedy but I dont care, its still refreshing to see an athlete with a sense of humor. Probably my favorite quote from any athlete still has to be from Charles Barkley. During the Olympics in a game of Usa vs Angola, Charles elbowed one of the players during the game. When he was asked why he did it afterwards he answered: "Well, he might have pulled a spear on me." Check out hundreds of his other great quotes here.

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