Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Austrian Death Machine - Double Brutal Album Review

Artist: Austrian Death Machine
Album: Double Brutal
If you cant tell by the title and cover art, Austrian Death Machine is a party thrash/death metal band whose songs and lyrics are all about the man, the myth, the legend, the governator, Mr. Arnold Schwarzeneggar. I really dug thier first album Total Brutal. It wasnt the most mind blowing technical metal but it was a lot of fun to listen to. Now the boys are back with a double album of more party mayhem. The first half is more original material inspired by the movies of Arnie and the second album is a cover album featuring covers of Metallica, Megadeth, Misfits and more. The music is pretty much old thrash in the vein of like Exodus and early Suicidal Tendenecies. There are skits scattered throughout the album that get tiresome after one listen but fortunately there are still 17 tunes all together. If you liked their first album then you will like this. But if you have never heard of them and are a fan of thrash and Arnold then its definitely worth a listen. Its actually one of the better thrash albums of the year. Stand out cuts include: I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Motorcycle (from T2), Let Off Some Steam Bennett (from Commando), See You At The Party Richter (from Total Recall), and Trapped Under Ice (Metallica cover).
Final Rating: 7.5/10

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