Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stoic Movie Review
Directed by Uwe Boll
Starring Edward Furlong, Sam Levinson, and Shaun Sipos
Available on region 2 dvd and U.S. release date is not confirmed.
Wtf! When did Uwe Boll turn the corner and turn into a good director. Ive enjoyed all three of his movies released this year. Far Cry was action fluff but still enjoyable, Tunnel Rats is one of my favorite movies of the year, and Stoic is an unflinching brutal movie that I couldnt keep my eyes off of.
The story starts off with an imate hanging in his cell and his other three cellmates alerting the guards of what they discovered. The rest of the movie is interviews and flashbacks leading up to the "suicide" of this inmate. Based on a true story its a sordid tale of how an innocent card game turns into a severe beating, drinking piss, eating vomit, more beatings and much more sick shit.
Now I know this movie is not for everybody and even a few times myself I was questioning why I was watching it. There really is no purpose except to tell this one sick story. What kept me engaged was the performances and direction of the movie. Edward Furlong was awesome as the so called ring leader of the group, and the other guys were pretty good. Even though Ive never seen anything this extreme in person Ive met jackasses this type and can just imagine everything happening just as its told. The realism to the movie from the dialogue to the performances just make it hit that much harder.
The handheld camera work and the direction just worked flawlessly. I wrote Edward Furlong off after his performance in Dark Reel this year but he definitely redeemed himself in this movie. And I will never write off Uwe Boll from this point again. On a scale of 1-10 I give this a broomstick, 7.75 out of 10.

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