Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Tuesday!
Wow what a hectic weekend. All kinds of personal stuff  I had to deal with. Also Saturday night I got drunk and Borp and I recorded a 3 hour epic episode of Horrorphilia. We had jokes, sound effects and other crap but I accidentally erased the whole thing. So this morning we recorded a shortened version just to get it out of the way. We review a bunch of interesting redneck horror movies spanning 1964 to 2009, so its definitely a good listen but not quite as epic as our original intentions. This was our 5th time to discuss the same material so forgive us if we dont sound the most enthusiastic about the material. I think we were cursed. It only took us 5 sessions, 6 hours of recording and 4 1/2 hours of audio lost just to record this episode.

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