Friday, September 04, 2009

Horrorphilia Toolbar

Horrorphilia Toolbar
I finally finished my secret project I had been working on with the help of Mike from Its a horror themed toolbar for your browser. Dont everyone jump for joy at the same time. Let me describe what the toolbar entails. Besides our logo that leads to our home page and a google based search box it also has Horror News which is a rss feed to currently over 400 of the most recent news items from your favorite horror websites such as Dead Lantern, Fangoria, Arrow In the Head, Brutal As Hell, Esplatter, Bloody Good Horror and many more. Next thing it has is an Upcoming Horror Dvd widget that pops up all the new horror releases for the upcoming month. See something you like then just click on the Netflix icon next to it and add it to your queue. It also has twitter feeds from Dead Lantern, Horrorphilia and many other horror sites. Also included is a link to which is a site that allows you to stream over 300 horror movies from China, Japan, Korea, and Thailand. I also included a mail widget for your email. For those who use Skype it can also be launched right from the toolbar. But my favorite thing and purpose of the toolbar is the built in podcast player. Click the arrow button on the player and you will have access to 19 of the best horror podcasts and hundreds of episodes including the Splattercast, Horrorphilia, Bloody Good Horror, Slackers Ate My Neighbors, Mondo Movie, Fearshop, Zombie Grrlz, Drunken Zombie, Mail Order Zombie and many more. The cool thing also is that I can update the toolbar in real time without you having to redownload it. So I plan on updating it quite often with more podcasts, more news items and more cool shit. Its available for firefox, explorer and safari. You can download from over at or from over on the sidebar on the righthand side of this page. Let me know what you think, or what other stuff and podcasts you want me to add.

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